George Clooney has worked to stop the human rights atrocities in the Darfur region of Sudan, and over the years has focused energy on helping those suffering from poverty.

Clooney famously founded Not On Our Watch with his Ocean’s 11 co-stars Don Cheadle, Matt Damon, and Brad Pitt, and producer Jerry Weintraub. The organization’s main goal is to stop the genocide occurring in Sudan. Clooney has visited the area personally, and spoken with victims of rape and torture. His charity has donated millions of dollars to help those suffering in the region, with much of the funding going through the United Nations World Food Programme.

The Ocean’s 13 leading man offered his company at the movie’s première and private after-party for an auction supporting Realizing the Dream. This non-profit seeks to continue the legacy and work of Dr. and Mrs. King in wiping out poverty and injustice.

Clooney has been known to give generous donations to homeless people, is a supporter of Bono’s poverty-fighting ONE Campaign, and is also on the Board of Trustees for the United Way.

George donated $25,000 to writers during the 2007 strike.

Clooney took part in the America: A Tribute to Heroes charity telethon for victims of 9/11.

Clooney visited the Nuba Mountains with ENOUGH Project to document atrocities of the Sudanese government on its own people, and testified about it before the US Senate Committee, days before getting arrested at the Sudanese embassy in DC in a peaceful protest.

George Clooney was named United Nations Messenger of Peace in 2008, to help raise public awareness, and support for the U.N’s peacekeeping efforts around the world.

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