Movember, the month long charity event that asks participants to grow a moustache for 30 days to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer and other men’s health issues, held its annual gala party on Friday night at Roseland Ballroom in Manhattan.

Morgan Spurlock With Mo

Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock said goodbye to his distinctive Mo’ in front of hundreds of gathered Movember supporters, as he was shaved by Lower East Side barber shop Pimps and Pin Ups.

Morgan Spurlock Without Mo

Spurlock donated $5,000 to the cause this year.

The Gala Parté is a costumed affair that brings together Movember participants as a way to thank them for their fund raising efforts throughout the month.

The event celebrated the most successful Movember to date. Funds raised in the US will go to the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LiveSTRONG, providing crucial support for cancer research and cancer survivorship programs.

Each year the Movember Gala Parte awards participants prizes for the best moustaches, costumes, and the coveted Man of Movember and Miss Movember titles.

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