Together with singer/songwriter Marc Anthony's charity, “Somos Una Voz,” on May 10, 2018, Children’s Health Fund (CHF) presented a newly upgraded mobile medical clinic as a contribution towards hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico.

Both Marc Anthony and CHF President Emeritus Irwin Redlener, MD, were there to present the doctor’s office on wheels to Gloria del Carmen Amador, Executive Director of Salud Integral de la Montaña (SIM), a network of local Community Health Centers where the clinic will be employed.

There is still tremendous need for health care services in Puerto Rico after the island was devastated by Hurricane Maria in October 2017. Some 40,000 people on the island still lack regular electricity and many more tens of thousands have fled the island, not to return until stability and reliable social services can be assured. Since the hurricane there has been an increased demand for medical services as waterborne and infectious diseases have become more prevalent, in addition to increased need for mental health services as families deal with ongoing trauma and grief stemming from the hurricane’s impact.

The mobile medical clinic will help the children and families of Puerto Rico access high quality healthcare during this difficult recovery period. Set to stay as a lasting resource, the clinic will also assist in bringing much needed trust, hope, and healing to the region.

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