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One of the greatest things about our work at Look To The Stars is the chance to ‘discover’ the wonderful things that celebrities do everyday. In doing so, we often find that our idols are true heroes. This is especially true of action hero Jackie Chan, a legend of Hong Kong cinema and star of the three “Rush Hour” movies. Chan volunteers his time to help many charities, the closest to his heart being the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation, an organization that has helped thousands of people since he started it in 1988.

Jackie Chan is a great example of someone who always uses his star power to help others. This can best be seen in his Build a School for a Dollar
program, and in his plea to advertisers to
join him in charity work

Although Jackie is always busy running from one event to the next, he is never short of time for charity work. He was kind enough to answer a few of our questions on that topic:

LTTS: What do you feel is the biggest problem with the world today?

Jackie Chan: The suffering of children. There is just no problem that
is bigger than that. When you see children hungry or sick, your heart
just breaks. I have never seen anything worse in my whole life.

LTTS: What steps would you take to correct this problem?

Jackie Chan: I’m very lucky to be able to help children who are
suffering the the world. Since I am Ambassador for UNICEF
and UNAIDS, I am able to help raise interest in the problems
that children face. Plus I am involved with my own charities here in
Asia – the Dragon's Heart Charity and the Jackie Chan
Charitable Foundation. There are so many problems for children!
Sometimes I feel that I just can’t do enough for them – as soon as I
solve the problem of one group, I notice that another group is
suffering. I try, but it’s never enough.

LTTS: Do you have any message for our readers?

Jackie Chan: I guess I would like to remind everyone that we live now
in a global village and we are in one single family. It’s our
responsibility to bring friendship and love from all different places
around the world and live together in peace.

LTTS: Jackie Chan, thank you very much for taking the time to answer
our questions. You are a great inspiration.

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