Holding two luscious beets up to his ears like headphones, rap superstar and legendary producer Jermaine Dupri stars in a new pro-vegan campaign for PETA that proclaims, “Feel the beets. Lose the meats. Go vegan.”

“I want the world to know the vegan lifestyle, to me, is the best lifestyle,” the Grammy winner says in an accompanying video spot. “I feel like anybody that has a problem with their energy level being right, tired all the time, you can definitely feel the difference. A vegan lifestyle puts you on that track to just be healthy.”

PETA — whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat” — notes that more than 9 billion chickens, 300 million turkeys, 115 million pigs, and 29 million cows are slaughtered for food each year. Animals used for food experience joy, pain, fear, love, and grief and value their lives, just as humans do. But in today’s meat and dairy industries, cows are forcibly separated from their beloved calves, chickens’ throats are cut while they’re still conscious, piglets are castrated without painkillers, and fish are cut open while they’re still alive.

Each person who goes vegan spares nearly 200 animals every year daily misery and a terrifying death — and reduces his or her own risk of suffering from heart disease, obesity, cancer, strokes, and numerous other ailments.

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