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At the 18th annual Milken Institute Global Conference held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills on April 26, women took center stage.

Throughout the event, conference leaders triumphed the idea that women should be more prominent. This year, they created and met a goal of having at least 30% of the panelists as women. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg moderated a panel with three titans of finance – Timothy Geithner, Robert Rubin, and Hank Paulson – while actresses Freida Pinto and Patricia Arquette passionately expressed their desire to end the wage disparities between men and women in the work force in the U.S. and around the world.

The mission of the Milken Institute and its annual conference is “to improve lives around the world by advancing innovative economic and policy solutions that create jobs, widen access to capital and enhance health.” The Global Conference continues to bring together the top leaders in the for-profit, non-profit, and public sector to discuss, debate and tackle the most pressing challenges that face our local, national and international community.

For more information, all the panel discussions can be viewed on the website.

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